Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dred Scott Case, Elecion of 1860, secession in GA and Alexander Stephens' role

Dred Scott was a slave who lived in a free state. Many people would have thought that since he lived in a free state for two years he would have been considered a citizen. However, when he sued for his freedom, the supreme court ruled he was not a citizen so he could not sure anyone in court. This made the North mad since the supreme court ruled he was not a citizen because he was once a slave. The Election of 1860 was when President Abraham Lincoln won his presidency. After he won, South Carolina seceded first. Then on January 19, 1861 Georgia seceded. Even though Georgia did secede there were cooperationists who wanted to stay but the secessionists won the vote. Initially, Alexander Stephens was not completely sure if they should secede or not but eventually he realized it was unavoidable. He was then chosen as the Vice President of the Confederacy. He was in favor of the compromise of 1850 because it included the Fugitive Slave Act. He took part in the secession of Georgia because he realized it was going to happen and he helped them secede.

This is a picture of Dred Scott.,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNGzdKwRiiO912YwKV6P0gyiR69JrA&ust=1390531085188009

This is a picture of Alexander Stephens after he was appointed Vice President.

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